It Was the Most Popular Answer...
by Stephen Jones on March 21st, 2022
So I went around the circle in our HOPE Group yesterday and I asked twenty-plus high-school students to name three people, places, or things that have had the most influence over their lives up to this moment.That’s how I phrased the question.“Just list the three biggest influences over your life right now.”Right off the top, how do you think your child would answer that question?What do you think... Read More
Tidings of Comfort and Joy
by Stephen Jones on December 6th, 2021
I must admit that Christmas time comes with mixed emotions for me. I’m sure all of you identify with the stress of holiday traffic, shopping for presents, getting around the loop to all the family, wondering if we’ll have enough money to do all we want to do… Even the way we talk about it often signals our truest emotions; “Christmas will be here before you know it.”And beyond all the stress of ... Read More
It's Your Turn to Say the Blessing!
by Stephen Jones on November 22nd, 2021
With Thanksgiving coming up this week, my mind turns to all the traditions and rhythms that come with the holidays. One particularly meaningful practice is speaking the blessing over the Thanksgiving meal, usually led by my Father-in-law. He blesses the family and the food—in that order. In the nearly twenty-years since I was welcomed into their family, he has always taken the time to speak blessi... Read More
The Principle of Position
by Stephen Jones on November 8th, 2021
What you DO will position you for where you’ll GO.It matters what you do with your time, your talents, and your treasure.The daily decisions we make seem mundane and monotonous; the sun rises and sets and every day often feels like the day before and no different from the day after. The details are dull and doing what we’re supposed to do can seem boring and meaningless.But doing what’s right matt... Read More
by Stephen Jones on November 2nd, 2021
Municipal Elections are WAY less exciting than Presidential elections, or even Midterm elections. Thanks to smaller campaign budgets and minimal press-coverage, local candidates are generally more obscure for the average voter and campaign platforms are much harder to identify. Obtaining a sample ballot takes intentional effort and discerning who deserves your vote often comes down to finding some... Read More
Defining the Relationship
by Stephen Jones on October 27th, 2021
In John 15:5, Jesus defined our relationship **with Him** using one word—dependent.He said, “I am the vine, and you are the branches. WITHout me, you can’t do anything.”That’s a definitive statement—no lack of clarity there.“In the same way a branch is useless without the vine, in the same way you’re useless apart from me.”The branch springs from the vine,the branch originates from the vine,the br... Read More