Pastor Keith and Lana Gilliam 

Living Hope church began in 1950 with just a handful of faithful believers in the small community of Whitnel North Carolina.  The church was birthed as God began ministering powerfully in the local community during a tent revival with the Colton & Flemming Evangelistic Team.  IPHC Evangelists, Rev.  Thelma Colton and Louis Flemming labored to preach the gospel to the Whitnel community until a powerful presence filled the area and intercession for families intensified. With the autumn winds increasing, the faithful gatherers located a facility on Barcose Street and organized the Whitnel Pentecostal Holiness Church.
Over the next 30 years, God continued to establish His presence in the midst of the people of the Whitnel Pentecostal Holiness Church and developed within them a confident expectation of His provision through many anointed pastors and leadership.  In the summer of 1985, God directed the Conference leadership to commission Emmanuel College graduate, Keith Gilliam, to serve as the next senior pastor. During his early years as a pastor, God multiplied the church from 35 people to approximately 200.  With a momentous decision, the growing congregation chose to relocate to Connelly Sprigs Road to fulfill the vision of reaching more families with the message of the Gospel.

In December 1998, Whitnel Pentecostal Holiness Church completed the a new sanctuary  which had a 389 seating capacity. With the completion of Phase One of the building, God's presence drew many new families to join the church and seek the Lord. During a 2001 revival  God continued to pour out His Spirit and approximately 45 people received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. The renewal and outpouring of the Holy Spirit brought increased desires to reach the local community and to support ministries around the world. Completion of Phase Two of the  building in 2005 multiplied the discipleship and fellowship opportunities of the church's families.

From 1998 to 2018, the church grew to approximately 950 members and led over 1500 people to receive the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior. During this time period, the generosity of the people exponentially increased, making it possible  for the church to support local organizations and schools, and engaging in more local and overseas missions opportunities.

With a renewed vision of planting churches in multiple locations and potentially in other nations, Whitnel Pentecostal Holiness Church embraced the name Living Hope Church in 2019. As 1 Peter 1:3 proclaims, "Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In His great mercy He has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead," (NIV).

After a period of continuous growth,  in  2021, Living Hope Church began a third building program which would  provide a modern auditorium with space to seat  over 1000 people and the technology to reach our community in the 21st century.
Today, by God’s grace, we are reaching people in multiple surrounding counties, and we are involved in worldwide outreach with the good news of the gospel. We are called to plant churches in nearby cities and counties, to reach those who do not know Jesus as Savior,  and to disciple children, youth, and adults.